esl accreditations hero

Accreditamenti e affiliazioni

ESL e le scuole partner: esperienza e servizi di alto livello riconosciuti dagli enti di controllo della qualità.

Accreditamenti ESL

Crediamo fermamente che la qualità dei nostri servizi venga confermata dal grado di soddisfazione dei nostri clienti. Allo stesso tempo però, anche numerose organizzazioni internazionali hanno scelto di accordarci la loro fiducia e di riconoscere in modo ufficiale i nostri programmi di studio all’estero:

English UK partner agency

This label resulted from a merger of two of the most important quality control bodies, ARELS and BASELT. ESL – Language Travel is an official agent of English UK.
Membership conditions are as follows:

  • High quality teaching
  • Qualified teachers
  • Detailed programmes
  • Carefully chosen host families
  • Students from diverse backgrounds

esl english uk partner agency accreditation
Business English UK partner agency

ESL – Language Studies Abroad is an official agent for dedicated business language training centres in the UK.


esl business english uk partner agency accreditation
Agenzia partner di Quality English

Il marchio di Quality English è accessibile solo per le scuole indipendenti con un’ottima reputazione che offrono programmi realizzati secondo rigide normative di qualità. ESL – Soggiorni linguistici è agente partner ufficiale.


esl quality english partner agency accreditation
ALTO Association of Language Travel Organisations

With members in more than 30 countries on the 5 continents, ALTO brings together specialized language travel organizations working according to its demanding quality charter.

esl alto accreditation
Study Travel Magazine Star Awards

ESL – Language Studies Abroad has been repeatedly voted “Star Agency Europe” by thousands of language schools around the world. 


esl stm star awards accreditation
IALC International Association of Language Centres partner agency

This association brings together more than 80 independent language schools with the same quality standards. These are submitted to regular inspections.

esl ialc partner agency accreditation
WYSE Work Abroad Association

This association brings together companies actively engaged in the organization or promotion of work abroad programs. It sets high quality standards for its members and works with governments to promote work abroad programs.


esl wyse work abroad association accreditation

ESL Education has been recognised by the world leader in event organisation for international education professionals.

esl icef accreditation
Qualità delle scuole partner

Tutte le nostre scuole partner sono esperte nel loro settore e sono accreditate da enti di controllo della qualità. ESL ha passato gli ultimi 20 anni a selezionare attentamente e a seguire la sua rete di scuole partner, per offrirti solo i migliori centri di formazione presenti sul mercato.

The American Association of Intensive English Programs

This association exercises the function of national professional association regarding English language schools. It brings together the schools working according to a quality charter.

esl aaiep accreditation

This association provides institutional accreditation for organisations whose primary function is for educational purposes and also for organisations offering continuing education. ACCET accredits non-collegiate continuing education and training organisations throughout the United States as well as programmes abroad. ACCET is similar to the British Council in the UK, visiting all their accredited schools every 3 years. The schools accredited by ACCET are among the best in the USA.

esl accet accreditation
ALTO Association of Language Travel Organisations

With members in more than 30 countries on the 5 continents, ALTO brings together specialized language travel organizations working according to its demanding quality charter.

esl alto accreditation
ASILS Association of schools of Italian as a second language

This association brings together the best schools teaching Italian in Italy. Its aim is to manage the commercial and didactic competence of member schools and to enforce European quality standards in the linguistic field.

esl asils accreditation
BAC British Accreditation Council

This accreditation is responsible for maintaining academic standards for higher education and specialised studies in Great Britain. It pays particular attention to foreign students.

esl bac accreditation
British Council

This British governmental organisation examines and determines the quality of language schools.


esl british council accreditation
Business English UK partner agency

ESL – Language Studies Abroad is an official agent for dedicated business language training centres in the UK.


esl business english uk partner agency accreditation

This association stemming from the University of Alcalá is the symbol of quality guarantee for Spanish schools in Spain. All ESL partner schools have successfully passed the CEELE inspection.


esl ceele accreditation
EAQUALS Excellence in Language Education

This Pan-European association brings together all service providers concerned with language teaching, with the aim of securing the quality of the service providers in the private and public economies.

esl eaquals accreditation
EduSa Education South Africa

Previously known as ELTASA (English language Travel Association of South Africa), EduSA is now a sub-sector of SAYTC (South African Youth and Travel Confederation) and brings together actors of the language travel industry in South Africa. It aims to promote and encourage growth in the sector by guaranteeing the quality and professionalism of its members.

esl edusa accreditation
ELICOS English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

Only schools meeting quality criteria are accredited by this official Australian label.

esl elicos accreditation
English Australia

This official Australian label accredits only schools fulfilling certain quality criteria.


esl english australia accreditation
English New Zealand

This federation, which brings together private, accredited schools teaching English, is recognized by the New Zealand Department of Education.

esl english new zealand accreditation
English UK partner agency

This label resulted from a merger of two of the most important quality control bodies, ARELS and BASELT. ESL – Language Travel is an official agent of English UK.
Membership conditions are as follows:

  • High quality teaching
  • Qualified teachers
  • Detailed programmes
  • Carefully chosen host families
  • Students from diverse backgrounds

esl english uk partner agency accreditation

This national organisation guarantees the quality of the teaching body and content of German as a foreign language lessons given in Germany’s schools and universities.

esl fadaf accreditation
FELTOM Federation of English Language Teaching Organisations Malta

Based in Malta, this federation only recognises patented and eminent schools.


esl feltom accreditation
FIYTO Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations

This association has been in existence for 50 years and is the largest and most influential organisation in the domain of youth travel. FIYTO counts approximately 350 members, spread throughout 60 countries.


esl fiyto accreditation

In France, this quality label, put in place by the CIEP (Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques), from now on allows foreign students to identify and recognise French language schools guaranteeing an excellent quality of teaching. The FLE assurance of quality is issued to language schools which meet a number of criteria, also entitling them to be featured in the directory established by the CIEP.

Logo accreditation FLE ESL Languages
IALC International Association of Language Centres partner agency

This association brings together more than 80 independent language schools with the same quality standards. These are submitted to regular inspections.

esl ialc partner agency accreditation

ESL Education has been recognised by the world leader in event organisation for international education professionals.

esl icef accreditation
Instituto Cervantes

The Cervantes Institute is a public institution which was founded in Spain in 1991 to promote Spanish language teaching and knowledge of the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries throughout the world.

esl instituto cervantes accreditation
IH International House

International federation of regularly inspected schools that work according to quality criteria of a high standard.


esl international house accreditation
Languages Canada

The Languages Canada objective is to guarantee that its members provide high-quality services


esl languages canada accreditation
MEI Marketing English in Ireland

This association brings together Irish schools teaching English. Members of MEI are also recognised by the Irish Department of Education.

esl mei accreditation

Australian national governmental accreditation organisation for the recognition of educational institutions. The objective of this organisation is to guarantee the teaching quality of English language schools.

esl neas accreditation
Agenzia partner di Quality English

Il marchio di Quality English è accessibile solo per le scuole indipendenti con un’ottima reputazione che offrono programmi realizzati secondo rigide normative di qualità. ESL – Soggiorni linguistici è agente partner ufficiale.


esl quality english partner agency accreditation
Relsa Recognised English Language Schools Association

This association brings together Irish schools teaching English. The members of RELSA are also recognised by the Irish Department of Education.


esl relsa accreditation
Study Travel Magazine Star Awards

ESL – Language Studies Abroad has been repeatedly voted “Star Agency Europe” by thousands of language schools around the world. 


esl stm star awards accreditation
WYSE Work Abroad Association

This association brings together companies actively engaged in the organization or promotion of work abroad programs. It sets high quality standards for its members and works with governments to promote work abroad programs.


esl wyse work abroad association accreditation

Fondata nel 1904, l’Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) è il principale ente professionale di contabilità a livello mondiale che propone il titolo di Chartered Certified Accountant. La sede centrale si trova nel Regno Unito, ma opera attraverso una rete di 110 uffici in 51 Paesi.


Similmente ad ACCA, anche il Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) è un importante istituto professionale di contabilità che opera in Australia e Nuova Zelanda e rilascia il prestigioso titolo di Chartered Accountant.

IAPA Membership

L’Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia (IAPA) è l’unica associazione di data analytics attiva in Australia. I membri dell’APA mostrano il loro impegno nel migliorare le competenze analitiche, promuovere la crescita delle carriere dei membri del team e sostenere il processo decisionale basato sui dati.


La Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) est l'agence nationale indépendante d'assurance qualité et de réglementation de l'enseignement supérieur en Australie. L'objectif de cet organisme est de maintenir l'intégrité du secteur de l'enseignement supérieur australien et de veiller à ce qu'il réponde aux besoins de ses étudiants.

CPA Australia

Il titolo di Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) è uno dei certificati più apprezzati nel mondo della contabilità. L’ente che lo rilascia è presente in tutto il mondo.


L’Australian Computer Society (ACS) è l’organismo centrale di accreditamento per il settore IT in Australia. I corsi accreditati dall’ACS garantiscono una qualità eccezionale agli studenti che desiderano intraprendere una carriera nel settore tecnologico.

QQI Award

La Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) è l’agenzia governativa responsabile della qualità e degli standard del sistema di istruzione superiore irlandese. I riconoscimenti rilasciati dal QQI vengono rispettati e riconosciuti a livello nazionale e internazionale.


Perché scegliere ESL per il tuo prossimo viaggio

ESL icon five stars school
ESL icon five stars school
Agenzia prestigiosa e premiata

I nostri servizi gratuiti e personalizzati sono costantemente tra i primi in classifica su Google e il 97% dei nostri clienti ci raccomanda ad amici e parenti. Inoltre, ESL ha vinto il premio Lifetime Award dopo essere stata votata 5 volte Migliore Agenzia Europea agli ST Star Awards. 

ESL icon reduced price
ESL icon reduced price
Miglior prezzo garantito

Ottieni il rimborso della differenza di prezzo se trovi un’offerta migliore per lo stesso programma con un’altra agenzia o direttamente con la scuola.
Consulenza gratuita e servizi dalla A alla Z

I nostri team sono formati da esperti in viaggi linguistici che hanno esperienza nel settore, sia a livello professionale che personale. I nostri servizi gratuiti e personalizzati non comprendono solo la fase precedente alla partenza: i nostri consulenti saranno a tua disposizione prima, durante e dopo il soggiorno. 

ESL icon people in sheild
ESL icon people in sheild
Controllo qualità

Selezioniamo le scuole linguistiche partner in base a criteri rigidi: strutture di alta qualità, classi di dimensioni ridotte e di diversi livelli, location fantastiche, insegnamento eccellente e programmazione di attività entusiasmanti, tra altri. Visitiamo regolarmente le scuole partner, dato che per noi è estremamente importante mantenere una relazione solida con i nostri partner e seguire ciò che accade sul posto.    

ESL icon thumbs up
ESL icon thumbs up
Migliaia di revisioni di studenti

Riceviamo costantemente le opinioni e le revisioni di migliaia di studenti che scelgono ESL per recarsi all'estero. Tutte le revisioni sono verificate accuratamente per garantirne l’autenticità e sono pubblicate sulle pagine delle nostre scuole, per fornire agli studenti futuri informazioni e dati dettagliati di prima mano.   

ESL icon house
ESL icon house
Un’ampia gamma di opzioni di alloggio di qualità

Il nostro portfolio comprende anche una grande varietà di tipi di alloggio, per poter offrire a ogni studente l’opzione più idonea. Da alloggi con una famiglia ospitante e residence studenteschi ad appartamenti privati e condivisi, tutti i nostri tipi di alloggio sono selezionati accuratamente per un’esperienza all’estero confortevole e conveniente.   

Offerte speciali
Ottieni la migliore offerta per il tuo soggiorno linguistico
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